To: "Gary Brown" , "Lloyd Onyett" , "Dave Johnston" , "Dane Jasper" , "Peter Crayne" , "Scott Doty" , "Rich Abrahams" , "Jay Field" , "John Hemenway" From: "Scott Doty" Organization: Santa Rosa Junior College Date: 16 Oct 92 03:50:00 PDT Subject: Nermal: report for 8 sep 92 - 15 oct 92. Reply-To: X-Pmrqc: 1 X-Pmlist: Project nermal The following is archived on nermal under: /usr/adm/nermal/worklog.6 ____________________________________________________________________ Objective 2: User application installation (from source) (6 Nov) Objective 3: Management under user loading, campus-wide message base. (11 Dec) Task Status ----------------------------------------------------- Software installation (system/user binaries) Pending Mail system (1) Software installation (user apps fm/sources) Pending (2) ----------------------------------------------------- (1) New System binaries: ("*" denotes compiled on site.) smtpout (*), smtpd (*), mail(*) [See Remarks (a)] Active network services: smtp, telnet, ftp, finger, discard, daytime, chargen. (2) New User Applications: hytelnet (*) [See Remarks (b)] Remarks: (A) (even more) Fun with mail Incoming mail --works--! The smsmtp package runs like a top! I'm very happy with it. Here's the breakdown on nermal's mail system: Overall system: there is now a "mail" uid -- this is how /bin/mail figures out that a message originated on a remote system. Incoming mail: (the blow-by-blow) 1) When inetd detects an incoming mail connection, it spawns smtpd. (smtpd, when invoked, sets effective user id and effective group id to "mail") 2) I have modified smtpd, so that the message originator in the "MAIL FROM: " command is saved in an environment variable. 3) smtpd calls /bin/[r]mail to deliver the message. 4) When /bin/mail sets the message originator (for the "From " line in the header), it checks to see if it was invoked by the mail agent. If so, it reads the environment variable set in step 2, and uses *that* as the originator. 5) Also, /bin/mail used to write a duplicate "To: " line in the header. (Remote mail already contains the "To: " line.) I have corrected this. 6) The /bin/mail command then proceeds just as if the mail was sent locally. If an error occurs, the error is passed to smtpd, which passes it to the remote connection (still in progress.) Otherwise, smtpd send "ok", and the connection closes. (Or, if the remote system has more mail, smtpd accepts *that*...and so on.) Outgoing mail: (just general stuff) I've modified smtp to act like /bin/mail -- it now accepts multiple arguments on the command line. I've named the revised program, "smtpout," and I've put it in the /bin directory. /bin/mail will eventually use this as it's remote mailer. /bin/mail doesn't yet know about smtpout. This will soon change. :) /bin/smtpout accepts multiple recipients in the same way /bin/mail does. For instance: "/bin/smtpout sdoty@odie < message" would transmit the file "message" to user "sdoty" on host "odie," as well as "dave" on host "" (This is how this message was distributed, by the way...) Fortunately, users don't have to deal with this syntax -- Elm (the mail user interface) and /bin/mail take care of it for them. Mail bugs: /bin/mail was written by Ed Carp for uucp mail. While it does its job quite nicely, it's not very informative with error codes. smtpd expects particular error codes for particular errors. Thus, if something goes wrong, smtpd probably won't tell the remote system much more than "that didn't work." The solution: I need to go through all of /bin/mail's modules and replace the silly error codes with the descriptive codes that smtpd expects. smtpd came with a header file with *extremely* descriptive comments on which error belongs with which condition, so hopefully this won't be too much of a problem. (B) Curses! Hytelnet! :) Dave sent me the new Hytelnet (which he is also putting on odie) -- it now resides on nermal in /usr/local/hytelnet. "Curses" is a generic terminal interface for Unix, and is used by Hytelnet. Apparently, the curses "getch()" routine has a problem when stdin is an AF_INET socket. So, for the moment, Hytelnet works only on nermal's dialup line. (I've noticed this problem with other programs, and gopher is one of them. Time for more research...) Coming up next: Mail system modifications: /bin/mail to work better with smtpd (error codes) /bin/mail to invoke /bin/smtpout ...which will conclude the mail system. Network news reader debugging (rn) Manual system augmentation (groff) Minor patches to file transfer system (ftpd) Curses! _____________________________________________________________________ = Scott Doty, KB6ZLX Santa Rosa Junior College = = Technician, Campus Data & Hardware 1501 Mendocino Ave. = = Internet: Santa Rosa, CA 95401 =